
Gift Certificate $75


Our gift certificates are the perfect gift giving option.

We will send your recipient an email that includes a unique coupon code for the amount purchased.


Our gift certificates are the perfect gift giving option.

We will send your recipient an email that includes a unique coupon code for the amount purchased.

Please provide in the message prior to checkout:

  1. Name of Recipient
  2. Occasion
  3. Recipient Email Address
  4. Any message you would like to send

If you would like the coupon code sent to you; please indicate that prior to checkout.

*actual gift certificate will not be sent; it will be a coupon code via email.



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Our freshwater pearls come naturally colored or dyed in exotic colors. Pick your pearls or be surprised. Our pearls range in size from 6mm-8mm and our large Edison pearls range from 9mm-15mm
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